> 文章列表 > 春节期间需要贴对联吗英文





Chinese Spring Festival, also known as Chinese Lunar New Year, is the most important festival in China. It marks the beginning of the lunar calendar year and is celebrated by people all over the country with various customs and traditions. The festival usually falls between late January and early February, and it lasts for 15 days. During this time, families come together for reunion dinners, exchange gifts, watch beautiful lantern displays, and participate in festive activities.


The first day of the lunar year is celebrated as Spring Festival, which is also the start of the Chinese Lunar New Year. The lunar calendar follows the cycles of the moon and is widely used in China for determining traditional festivals and auspicious dates. According to folklore, the Spring Festival originated from ancient customs and beliefs aimed at warding off evil spirits and ensuring a prosperous year ahead. Decorations, such as red lanterns and couplets, are displayed to bring good luck and fortune.


There are several customs and traditions associated with the Spring Festival. Let\'s explore some of them:

  • Pasting Spring Festival couplets: It is a common practice to hang red couplets on the doors and walls of homes during the festival. These couplets are written with auspicious phrases and wishes for the upcoming year. They are believed to bring blessings and luck to the household.
  • New Year\'s Eve dinner: Families gather on New Year\'s Eve to enjoy a sumptuous feast together. The dinner usually consists of traditional dishes with symbolic meanings, such as fish for abundance and dumplings for wealth.
  • Eating dumplings: Dumplings, shaped like gold ingots, are a must-have food during the Spring Festival. They symbolize wealth and prosperity and are often eaten on New Year\'s Eve.
  • Spring Festival Gala: The Spring Festival Gala is a televised variety show that is watched by millions of people on New Year\'s Eve. It features performances, skits, and celebrity appearances, bringing joy and entertainment to households nationwide.


Here are some English words and phrases related to the Spring Festival:

  • The Spring Festival (春节)
  • Lunar calendar (农历)
  • Lunar January (正月)
  • New Year\'s Eve (除夕)
  • Red couplets (红色春联)
  • Firecrackers (鞭炮)
  • Lantern festival (元宵节)


The English translation of \"贴春联\" is \"Pasting Spring Couplets and Pictures.\" It refers to the traditional practice of affixing red couplets or poetic verses on doors or walls during the Spring Festival season.


Here are some English phrases related to the Spring Festival, similar to \"吃年夜饭\" (eating New Year\'s Eve dinner) and \"贴对联\" (pasting couplets):

  • Lion dancing (舞狮)
  • Deafening sounds from gongs and drums (喧闹的锣鼓)
  • Exchange visits (拜年)
  • Paste the Chinese character \"福\" (贴福)


There are various customs and traditions observed during the Spring Festival:

  • Dusting the house (扫尘): It is believed that cleaning the house before the festival sweeps away bad luck and welcomes good fortune in the new year.
  • Pasting Spring Festival couplets (贴春联): As mentioned earlier, it is a common practice to hang red couplets on doors and walls to bring good luck and blessings to the household.
  • Hanging New Year pictures (年画): Colorful and vibrant New Year pictures are displayed to add festive cheer and symbolize good fortune.
  • Staying up late on New Year\'s Eve (守岁): Many people choose to stay awake until midnight or throughout the night to welcome the arrival of the new year and ensure longevity for their parents.
  • Watching the Spring Festival Gala (观看春晚): Families gather around the television to watch the grand Spring Festival Gala, which features exciting performances and showcases the diversity of Chinese culture.


During the Chinese New Year, people engage in various activities such as:

  • Firing a gun (放炮)
  • Setting off firecrackers (放鞭炮)
  • Pasting couplets (贴对联)
  • Making dumplings (包饺子)
  • Exchanging red envelopes (发红包)


The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. It is a time for family reunions, cultural celebrations, and honoring ancestors. The festival embodies the spirit of unity, good fortune, and hope for a prosperous year. It is a time when people come together to share joy, express gratitude, and look forward to new beginnings.